Monday, March 11, 2013

Censor and Joy

Some days I can't control my tongue.  I say things I wish I did not say, and even worse, I say things that hurt people and I don't even know what I have done.  Words just come out.  Sentences.  Paragraphs. Loud volume that is uncalled for.  It explodes and I can not take it back and I feel deep regret.  Once something is said, it can never be taken back.  You can apologise and plead jest, but it is all about the heart behind the words.

If my heart is in a kind state, those words, sentences and paragraphs are much less frequent. 

If I am feeling anger, self-pity or wallow in ridiculous expectations, you can guarantee those words spew out rapidly.  And it is usually to those I love most.

I don't say "bad" words.  I say hurtful words.  But, is there really a difference?

I was reminded of this tonight.  I am in a "kind state" so it was not with me.  Indeed it is easier to see faults in other people before myself.  I was reading through some social media posts and was embarrassed at what I was reading in my news feed.  I was thinking, I wish I could censor what I am reading to only see things that are beneficial...or at very minimum, things that are neutral on the scale of "good and bad". 

I wish there was a censor that blocked out bad posts on Facebook, but I wish even more that I had a tighter censor on my thoughts and words that come out of my mouth.  I can not control what others do and say, but I have full control of my own voiced thoughts and often what I am viewing.

I have been thinking about the relationship between joy and what I intake.  If I am seeing "garbage" on my news feed, and I am hearing junk on tv that is not glorifying to God, does that correlate to my mental state of joyfulness?  I think it does.  The more good that goes in, the more good comes out.  Seems like a simple equation to me.

So, my conclusion, be VERY aware of intake and censor even closer what comes out of my mouth. Keep a joy flickering (or better yet, burning!)  in my heart and don't let it be quenched by garbage, but instead ignighted with God-honoring intakes.

1. A voice to speak
2. Eyes to see
3. A safe home
4. A dishwasher to wash my dishes
5. Forgiveness

Verse to chew on:
James 3:5 Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. 

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