Monday, March 4, 2013


I have been thinking about different topics I want to write about and I have yet to make formulated presentations of these thoughts...until today!  So after several months of neglecting blog writing, I have decided to make some fresh attempts.

One issue that I have been thinking about is health.  It is recommended to stay active to stay fit and in shape.  It is recommended to eat healthy foods and skip the junk.   Right?

My problem:  Each item that I listed does not have a definite answer.  Here is what I mean.  If someone tells you to eat healthy, what do you eat?  I have been programed to think that whole wheat bread is more nutritious than white bread, and that all fruit is good for you and any veggies are healthy and adequate for consumption.  Does that sound reasonable?

Here is where it starts to get tricky.  You know those side bars of advertising you see while browsing on the net?  One of them lured me in with the title of "5 Foods You Should Never Eat".  I read through the list.  Top on the list was whole wheat bread.  Next Bananas. I know there were 3 more but I can not remember the others.  I was frustrated. 

It is recommended to stay active to stay in shape so your body will be healthy.  I joined a gym.  I was looking up some workout routines and up pops some headlines in my search engine results that essentially encouraged only 3 days a week of exercising and saying that anything more than that is too much.  I was doing 5 days a week and feeling pretty good.  According to this article if you go too often your body will get too fatigued and won't respond to your workouts any longer.

There is so much conflicting advice "out there".  I am learning that I need to do what is best for my body and that I can find conflicting advice that can support any view or stance I choose to take.  The Internet is not the ultimate answer.

I know what IS the ultimate answer.  And right now it is opened to Exodus 33.  If you are expecting me to reveal any health tips in Exodus, change your expectation.  :)  Just a few chapter back, God has feed the Israelites manna for 40 years.  They are God's chosen people and they were not eating whole wheat bread or bananas. God wants us to take care of our body by eating nutritious food in moderation. 

If you are looking for answers solely on the Internet for problems or questions, you may want to change your source to the one that does not conflict with itself.  And if you think it does conflict with itself, then dive in to the content and don't blindly pull verses out of context as that issue is far too common.

I am going to start a new format in my blogs and list 5 things I am thankful for toward the end. 

1. The snowplows and drivers who work hard for us to safely traverse the roads
2. The fruit bowl sitting across the table from me that has nutritious foods to help keep me healthy
3. The driver's Ed car that just passed my house-it reminds me of my Grandad teaching me to drive
4. The cozy warm sweatshirt I am wearing that Dan gave me for Christmas-its keeps me warm and reminds me of his protection and care for me
5. Blinds-they keep the darkness out and let the light in and aide in a sense of security

Verse to chew on:
Deut 26:11 shall rejoice in all the good which the Lord your God has given you and your household.

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