Thursday, April 18, 2013

He's not Stumped

I have been tagging along life with some pretty amazing family and friends. 

Lately, I have been hearing of some pretty severe situations occurring in the lives of some close friends.  My heart aches for them.  I want to do something.  Anything. I want to help. I want to offer encouraging words. I want to be a concerned friend.  I am a concerned friend.

I know that each person who stumbles across this message has their own trials they are facing. And, I am sure we all know someone who is facing heartache.

The message I want to share today is simple.  It was some words passed along by my father-in-law who has no idea of the situations my dear friends are facing.  But the words are appropriate.

Was Jesus ever in a situation in which He was stumped? Was He ever in a situation He couldn’t handle? Even the cross was part of His plan. Your situation doesn’t stump Him either. Give the situation over to God and lean on Him. 

On the flip side of these trials and tragedies, illnesses and pain, I stand in awe.  I am in awe of how God works.

I am writing this next part hoping that it comes across with sensitivity to you yet praise to God.

As I was praying with some friends tonight I kept thinking, who am I and who is my family that we should be blessed in so many ways and for so many generations?  Our trials seems so minimal in comparison to massive grievances of those dear friends surrounding me.

I pray with heartfelt sincerity and fervor for my troubled friends and their families, and I thank God with my undeserving being for abundant blessings.

1. Friends I can be real with
2. A husband who loves me unconditionally
3. The dustbuster to clean up little messes
4. Comfort
5. Grace

Verse to chew on:
Isaiah 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.

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