Thursday, May 2, 2013


Seeing the title and entering into more Spring-like weather you may think that I am referring to weather seasons.  I'm not.

I have been thinking about this topic for a while now. 

I am a lifer.  When I make a friend I feel like they are (or should be) a friend for life.  It takes me a bit longer than many to open up to people.  I guard myself.  I have security issues and don't want to get hurt and don't want people to not like me.  I am shy and easily intimidated.  It's silly, but it is what it is.

When I open up enough to have a friendship with more than the "Hi how are you?/Good, how are you?" conversations then I probably consider you a friend.  The more communication we have and the more time we spend together, the closer I feel to to you.  Once we get to the friend stage it is near impossible for someone to no longer be a friend, in my eyes. 

I have a hard time meeting new people and just feel awkward, but I greatly appreciate the friendships that have formed after so many meetings. Over the years God has brought some really phenomenal people into my life, and I am so thankful!

Life happens.  Just as seasons happen.  Sometimes I try too hard to hold on to relationships that perhaps were only meant to be for a certain season.  The relationship can die out or fizzle. This is hard for me because, as I said, I am a lifer. 

I am not intending this to mean that I am actively trying to make any of my friendships fizzle out.  It's more for those I feel have moved on to a new season and I am in denial. :) 

Seasons of life is something I need to accept. I need to let go of those who are now in a new season as well, but it is never willingly on my end.

1. The school bus driver
2. Green grass
3. Sports that bring families/friends together
4. Garden Claw that aided me in yard work this week
5. Rhubarb

Verse to Chew on:
May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalms 19:14

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