It is so easy to overlook all of the blessings in my life. And, it is easy to complain about various issues of life. But, how often do you sit and reflect on all of the GOOD that happens instead of only highlighting the bad? This evening I have been thinking about just that. I have been placed in an amazing spot in several different areas. I'll list my top 4 highlights. Just for a qualification, I am not boasting, but merely stating my thankfulness that I am NOT overlooking tonight.
1. I am thankful that I was born into a God fearing, Bible-believing and 2 parent family in the USA. That has been such a deep rooted life enhancer. I had the freedom to make my own choices (yes, some were not so wise but I learned from those!), and I stuck with the faith that I was taught. I stuck with it not because that is what I was taught, but with investigating on my own I found it to be the Truth. I have the freedom to go to the church I want to go to (unlike other countries) and I can speak of my faith publicly without fear or harm. That is definitely something I can take advantage of!
2. I am thankful for Dano and God placing us together. Looking back, perhaps we were "fools in love" not wasting much time on the dating scene. We knew what we wanted (to be together and to be married) and achieved that desire quicker than many folks. There were so many positive characteristics about Dano I did not realize I was even overlooking before I was married. I did not understand how he managed money, or how devoted to his family he would be or how healthfully protective he would be of me, or how safe of a driver he was/is, or how understanding he would be of some of my emotions, or how much he would enjoy travelling...the list can go on and on. There was so much I did not know that I did not know until I now know. (Yeah, say that sentence 5 times fast!) :) God's timing for us getting together was just perfect. A year earlier and we would have been on completely different paths and a year later...who knows what would have transpired. I'm so thankful to have him as my husband and I know I am a better person because of many of his characteristics that positively affect me.
3. I'm so thankful for the health of my family. I hear and read about so much heartbreak from physical and emotional pain due to illness or hereditary problems or injuries...the list can go on and on. While a child is developing there are millions of things that can go wrong. I am blessed to have 2 beautifully healthy boys with no known ailments or allergies or deformities or disabilities...again the list can go on and on. God has blessed me, Dano, Zack and Owen along with our families with outstanding health. It is easy to focus on the negatives, but how often do we give God the credit for such healthy masterpieces. (Again, not meaning to be boastful, be really people are His masterpieces!)
4. I'm so thankful for our location of where we live. I love living in a small town (technically it is a Village) with people who are trustworthy, and caring. We are blessed with a comfortable home and yard and a safe road. It says a lot that I am willing to go for walks alone, even at dusk, and feel content and safe within our neighborhood. I can be a scaredy cat when it comes to being alone outdoors so this comfort is a big deal. I have met some amazing friends since moving to WI and am so thankful that God has crossed our paths. I feel so content with the location and all that goes with it.
It is so evident that He loves me and I need no further proof. I am thankfully content for the often overlooked MAJOR blessings of my life. If I did not have these 4 things, I would not say that He did not love me because there are several reasons that exemplify His love including the death of His only son for me. But, since I do, I clearly know and see a passion He has for me and my family. I serve a God who loves me...and perhaps even spoils me with many earthly riches and treasures...the best of these being family and friends. I am thankfully Him.
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