Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Superbowl, Sunsets and Snow Fun

SUPERBOWL: Living in WI it feels almost obligatory to mention something about the Packers.  So, although I was excited to see the game (and perhaps evenly so the commercials!), I was most excited to watch the boys of the house enjoy the big WIN.  For each touchdown Dan threw the kids in the air so they could reach the ceiling with either their feet or their hands (depending on which child it was).  Now, I wish I had a photo of that, but instead I have one of the fans excited for the big game. 

SUNSETS: One of the greatest things about where we live is the sunsets out our back windows.  I have a husband who likes to close all the blinds just before the sun goes down, but he has lovingly kept the back windows open now for 4 years to oblige my interest in the beauty of the sky at night.  I look forward to this view every night and am thankful for God's beauty, yet again.

SNOW FUN: We had a "warm" day of about 30 on Saturday.  So, it is the prime time to play in the snow, of course!  The kids enjoyed tunnels, sledding, snow football and belly-flops.  We have drifts so high that the Zack and Owen were able to jump off our rock wall into a high drift of snow.  Even Dan got in on the action!  Since pictures are worth 1000 (or more!) words, here are a few.

Here is the belly-flopper.

Owen was caught in the act of eating snow...

Z and O are buried feet first.  Dan dug a deep hole for each of them and they jumped in. 
Oh the joys of living in WI.  I know people complain about the cold and all the snow, but enjoying moments like this can allow you to embrace and dare I say enjoy the snow and cold temperatures.

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine living in a place with no snow. The magic of snow from my childhood is always in my mind! Days that my dad played outside with us still stand strong in my mind. Good for you for being fun enough for braving the temps :)
