Saturday, January 29, 2011


It happens to every parent.  There are moments that are not as enjoyable as others.  For instance, when you have a child stomping his way up the stairs after you tell him he can not have a treat to eat right before he is going to a birthday party and about to indulge in cake, candy, etc.  Or when there is a different son who is convinced that football is the only thing to play and kickball just will not due so he cries and carries on and says he is too tired to play kickball and he is only not tired for football.  In no way would I be referring to my perfect angels and it for sure would not have been part of today's happenings. (And, if you believe that, I will see what other wool I can pull over your eyes!)
So, tonight I pulled out the photos and started looking at baby pictures of my boys.  Each picture depicts a special little boy who is growing up.  My job is to train them the best I can in the ways of the Lord.  So, although I bring up their disobedience or at very least, their unnecessary rants, I am quite sure that God has many things he could bring up about me and how I misbehaved in His eyes.  God's forgiveness runs so deep that he erases all our sin as soon as we ask Him.  As a mom, it is easy to forgive these little tantrums.  My snapshots of my babies gives me a slight sense of how God views us.  We are his children.  His babies.  He loves us more than we can love our own children.  Amazing and awesome to me at the same time.  God, I thank you for these little blessings in my life, tantrums and all.
                                                          Zack (above) and Owen (below)
So, I am determined to capture and enjoy many moments with my guys.  Even if they are tantrums. 

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