Wednesday, June 1, 2011


There are so many stages of growing, both as a child and as an adult.  Last weekend was the beginning of a new stage.  Perhaps it does not seem big to you, but it is huge to me!  My kids have taken to calling me Mom.  Not Mommy.  Not Mama. Not Muma.  Mom.  I have been dreading the day for years.  I have, in the past, corrected them when they had a "slip" and said Mom instead of Mommy or Mama.  I still cringe when I hear my new title. 

They can not be old enough to call me that, can they? 

I suppose it was inevitable.  I am trying to accept this new title graciously.  I still have a long way to go to be successful in that goal.  But I'm trying!

It is interesting how we as adults grow in our knowledge of Christ that we can revert back to childhood and desire the father/daughter (son) relationship of protection.  We learn more about Him and we are reacquainted with how little we know about Him.  The more we learn, the more we know we need to learn.  Also, as I grow, I want more and more be be held "in the shadow of His wing".  I want the ultimate protection that only He can provide.  I want to be the one with the childlike faith and want to be more and more in awe of our Creator.  I am taken care of by my Abba, my Daddy.  I am safe and secure in Him.  As I grow older and as I grow closer to God, the knowledge that I have grows I become more and more of a reliant child. 

As my children are feeling older and perhaps more independent calling me Mom, I want just the opposite (for myself and for them!) in our Christian walk.  Abba father is the title I strive for.  God is the title for the Creator and God of the Universe.  Abba is the title of my protector, guide, hope, and many other intimate relational helps.

I want to feel like I have an Abba/Kirsten relationship with God the Father.  And, I want to be the best "Mom" I can to my growing children.

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