Saturday, April 9, 2011

We are off!!

Wess Stafford moved up toward the top of my admiration ladder this week.  (Not THE top...but quite high.)  I have been reading a book he wrote titled "Too Small to Ignore".  It talks about how children are not viewed to be as important as Jesus wants them to be.  It also tells about Wess's upbringing as a Missionary kid in Neille, Africa.  There was no competition because everyone helped each other so they were all equal.  There was no judging because if someone had less than you, then you would share what you have until they had the same thing (to the extent that many often had just one sandal because they gave the match to someone who did not have any!).  There was no triumphing over a win because that would entail a loser and they did not want others to feel less of a person. 
There are so many great emphases in this book and it gave me such a different view of kids. Here there are struggles to get coaches for kids sports, and it is near impossible to get enough volunteers to teach Sunday school to the kids.  Kids are just sluffed off and not given the same value as an adult.  It is like we are waiting until they grow up before they reach their full value or worth. 
We are so off!!  Jesus makes it perfectly clear that children are precious!  There are several verses in Matthew that talk about how Jesus feels about children.  "Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven." And, "Whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me."  Stafford writes, "One would think that a great new respect and appreciation for children would have seized the hearts of those who heard His message.  A whole new theology should have arisen that placed children at the center of the work of the church...The words of Jesus couldn't have been any clearer...How unbelievable the church would have forgotten this for the next 2000+ years!"  It really is amazing that we have degraded children to stay only with other children (and the lacking number of volunteers) and not with adults and to view them as mere distractions if they are in a larger group.  Why is it so difficult to integrate them into our society and culture with the same value as an adult?  
After reading this book, I have gained such valuable insight.  It has given me a greater appreciation of my own children as well as others.  God has entrusted us with helpless newborns to raise and direct in His ways.  That is no small feat!  And, it is no small honor!  I have now added to my prayer list of asking God to grow my desire to love, cherish, appreciate and help protect His gifts (children) more than ever. (Mine and any others I cross paths with) I know it is not often an easy thought to put into action.

So, speaking of putting into action my thoughts, I had the opportunity to do just that this morning.  It was the first Saturday morning soccer game for Zack and Owen.  It starts at 9am...did I mention it was a Saturday?  I had not been looking forward this time for several weeks because I like to be lazy on Saturday mornings.   (Although I have been mulling over Proverbs 6:6 from a sermon given not long ago that says "Go to the ant, you sluggard, and consider its ways and be wise".  This means essentially, DON"T BE LAZY!.  So I have these thoughts in my head...children are valuable and need attention and to not be second rate and don't be lazy.  What does that equal?  Kirsten, get your bottom out of bed and joyfully (yes, JOYFULLY!) go watch your precious children play soccer on a Saturday morning.  And I did.  Now I have to work on being content and hopefully, eventually, joyful about cloudy, cool, damp windy Saturday mornings!  But, none the less, I enjoyed watching my kiddos play a sport they enjoy and I was a proud mommy sitting on the cool, damp and windy sidelines!  Thanks Wess for the timely reminder of the value of children.  I hope I can keep growing my actions toward them to make Jesus proud.

1 comment:

  1. I love your post! A message that is near and dear to my heart! I've been on lots of cold sidelines and baseball fields watching my kids win and lose lots of games! Parenting is such an adventure, but with Jesus as your guide, you'll do just fine!! Zack and Owen are so precious to him and to me too!!
