Thursday, March 10, 2011

A lesson in Jeremiah

For my Spiritual life, I was doing pretty well much of January and I began to start my downward slide after that.  I did not realize it right away, of course.  So, now I'm working at getting back more Spiritual zeal and working toward more time and effort in the Bible to grow deeper in my relationship with God.  I just started reading and focusing on the book of Jeremiah this week.  I read chapter 3 last night which starts: 1 “If a man divorces his wife and she leaves him and marries another man, should he return to her again?     Would not the land be completely defiled?  But you have lived as a prostitute with many lovers—    would you now return to me?” declares the LORD.  What was going on in my head was not a physical divorce but when we turn to something instead of God we are defiling our self and turning to another lover-whether it be talking about someone, or being boastful and thinking we know the best way, or if it is saying a harsh comment, those are times where we may be divorcing God.  We are not engaged fully in the relationship with Him like we should be.  We are letting Satan get a grasp and letting him step in front of our Goal.  We are defiled when we allow Satan that foothold and we need to repent and ask forgiveness.  It is so easy to let little moments of time go buy that are not used to glorify Him...and in fact defile Him and the relationship I have with Him, many times without even thinking twice.  So, now with the awareness refreshed, I am working toward a deeper devotion to my Savior.  The passages He gives us are interesting and well timed.  I could have easily read over that verse and dismissed it for not being applicable, but God had other ideas.  I'm thankful for the teaching moment and hopeful for more.   

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