Monday, October 24, 2011

Woe is Monday vs Blessed is Monday

As an avid Facebooker I often see the "Woe is Monday" comments.  Sometimes I struggle to understand what all the complaining is about.  I understand that the weekends are enjoyable, but is Monday really that bad?  We should be used to it.  It comes every week,  We know full well to expect it. 

My Monday's are my productive catch up days.  I often have a laundry list of things to accomplish come Monday.  Today was no different.  The day went so fast, and dare I say-it was enjoyable!

 I have designated Monday as laundry day.  This week was no different.  I have done 7 loads of laundry.  There are 2 more to finish, but the bulk of it is done.  It was not so bad either.  Just think what it would be like without a back in the scrub board days. I have no reason to complain about the ease of a modern day washing procedure.  Here is the kids portion of laundry day, after I had put away Dan's and mine.

In between loads of laundry I took a trip to Target.  I did a bit of grocery shopping and I bought the rest of the stuff for the shoe boxes we are filling for Operation Christmas Child.  This program provides a shoe box of goodies including school supplies, essential clothing, toys, and hygiene supplies for kids who otherwise would not receive a Christmas gift.  A booklet is also put in the shoe boxes to give the receiving child and their family info about Jesus.  It is a way of showing God's love in a practical way.  I decided to fill 6 boxes this year.  There is one for each age group, both girl (front row of boxes) and boy (back row of boxes).  I just love making these and pray that the recipients will be blessed by the box, and most importantly that they will know and accept the love of Jesus as their own.
In the middle of laundry, before and after Target, and before and after filling the shoe boxes, I attempted making homemade bread.  I have never made a loaf of bread like this.  I have made the frozen kinds where you pull out a frozen pre-made dough, let it rise and bake it.  I have made buiscits.  I have also made many sweet breads like pumpkin, applesauce, cranberry etc. but I have never made a type of sandwich or artisan bread from scratch...until today.  I mixed dough, kneaded it by hand, let it rise 2 times and baked it.  And, I sampled it, and it turned out just as I was hoping!  Yummy!  I made wheat buttermilk honey bread.
Here is the recipe I used:

And, here is the photo of one of my loaves (it makes 2):

When the kids came home from school we met a friend and some neighbors at the park.  It was nice to enjoy some conversation and friendship.  (No pictures today of that though).

After the park, we came home.  I was in the process of making supper and the kids were having a hard time controlling themselves.  I know that late afternoons can be a time of meltdowns and today that happened.  The kids were sent to their rooms so they would be separated and could calm themselves down.  I went up to talk to them about their behavior and Zack handed me a paper.  (I had seen it on his desk for a couple weeks so I guess he was prepared for his next room confinement.)  Here is his paper...

My assumption is that he meant one of the "d's" to be an "o".  In either case, he is not God, but he can often be good. This paper had no merit for me as it was done well in advance.  But, I did enjoy both the mis-spelling and the thought behind it.  After time alone, both kids were civil and enjoyable.

So although many people dread Monday each week, if we just have the outlook that it is going to come, we can make the most of it.  I hope that we can all have the mentality that each day is a blessing and as the verse and song go "Today is the day that the Lord has made."  Rejoice, and be glad.  We are blessed beyond comprehension.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ode To Grandma

There are some people who shape who you are.  Some people make you a better person.  Some people have a sweet demeanor and love unconditionally.  Some people sacrifice time and money for you, willingly.  Some people have bold audacity to tell you what they think, with your best interest in mind.  Some people love God openly and confidently. Some people will forever be etched in your mind.

My Grandma is one of those people.  She fits every one of the above characteristics, and then some. 

Today is Grandma's 94th birthday.  Her life, all 94 years, has been a blessing to more people than I can count.  I am just one of the many hundreds (literally) she has touched with a lasting love.  Her devotion to God and family always came first, but if you were not family, you were treated as if you were! 

Giving-she is always willing to share what she has with others.  Her hospitality is something I strive for.  She   has a way with making everyone feel welcome.  She has on a couple occasions even been known to invite the Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses into her kitchen and chat over some coffee and donuts.
Respected-all those who know her are struck with her honesty and integrity
Adored-she is one of those people who it is impossible to NOT love.
Nurturing-she was always available and overly willing to take care of me, and others.
Donut maker-She always had treats in the cookie jar for unannounced guests including donuts.
Minimalist-she never needed "stuff" to make her happy.  It is all about the relationships with people.
Adventurous-she loves to travel and has visit all 50 states and many foreign countries.

I have countless stories from growing up so close to Grandma (and Grandad) and can talk endlessly about these loving people.  I am so thankful Grandma is MY Grandma! 

Below are some scanned photos that I have.  They bring back such beautiful memories.

 This is Grandma and Grandad.  It was the rare occasion to see them apart, so this is quite a typical moment.
 This is showing what Grandma enjoys most-people!  She is holding my son Zackariah in 2004.

 This is one of my favorites!  They dressed in their wedding attire for their 50th wedding anniversary.        June 1995.
 Grandad, their daughter Ingrid, Grandad's mother Besty, Their son (my dad) Gregor, and Grandma. 
This is Grandma (right) and Grandad's mother Besty on Mother's Day in 1966.  

Grandma, you are one fine and special lady. 
Thank you for everything. 
 All my love,

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Casting an Experiment

This morning I am casting an experiment. 
I am going to share the very last photo I have taken. 
I am not sure what it is.
This could be a daring experiment. 
My camera is currently downloading the most recent photos. 
I suddenly become a bit nervous and self conscious about what it is.
For real, thoughts of inadequacy are emerging. 
I continue on.  
I suppress the negative thoughts.
Be brave, Kirsten.
I'm feeling a bit more confidence. 
My curiosity is peaked. 
I hope it is a good one!

Here it is.  Trees.

Although it may just be a bunch of trees, each photo has a story behind it.  This one is of no exception. 

The story:
I enjoy the outdoors.  I find that I do not enjoy the outdoors. 
Contradiction?  Nope.
As much as I like being outdoors, I find that I do not make the time to enjoy moments like these.  I sit, using  my computer and waste moments by perusing online sites and before long way more time has passed than I anticipated.  So, the day of this photo, I decided I was going to treat our dog Carlee to a walk in the woods. (This really was my mindset..  Treating my dog.  But, it was more for me, I can be selfish, and try to trick even myself!)  We drove to Blue Mound State Park.  I had seen a sign for hiking trails there last weekend.  I found them.  We walked a couple miles in the woods.  The exact woods of this photo.  The sound of the crunching fallen leaves with each step was blissful.  The various outdoor scents were intriguing to Carlee.  I snapped some pictures of the beautiful creation around me in hopes to capture overdue moments of time spent outdoors.  It was a precious, yet ordinary hike.  Just like the photo.  

So there it is.  Proof that I really have been out, living. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

So Long...

As I just wrote the title "So Long..." I realized it could be taken two ways.  It could mean, farewell, for I have forsaken this blog far too long and have quit...or it could simply mean, it has been an extended amount of time since I have posted an entry.  In this case, I am referring to the later.  Although I have forsaken this blog for far too long, I think of it often.  I want to be diligent and post meaningful entries more often.  But, I have been caught up living life.  Both are good.  Now I choose to make my way back to being a regular blogger, while living life.

I am a visual person, therefore this would not be true to me if it did not reveal some snippet of my life through a photo.  I am going to randomly select a candid photo from the past week...

Here is a typical moment in our home.  The boys love to read. 

A bit of background to the photo... I select many books throughout the year from books sales, Scholastic book orders, discount book warehouses etc. and I save them for trips or presents or just for fun as a random gift to the kids.  Dan had shuffled through our book stash and picked out 2 books to give to the kids for a lazy Saturday morning.  He had asked Zack if he wanted to read and he did.  So, in this moment, Zack was reading his new book.  Owen had to patiently wait for his turn to read his new book.  As Zack was reading I pulled out the camera to capture a candid moment.  (You know, the type where people are not strategically placed by lining up in front of some neat object or scenery).  When Owen saw the camera, he started making unique, yet partially subtle, silly faces waiting for me to notice and tell him to stop.  I did not tell him to stop.  I just snapped the photo.  Voila.  A candid moment.  Sometimes you just have to let personalities shine to capture the true person. 

Soon to come in a future blog...more moments from the Fawcett home.

It's good to be back.