Saturday, June 4, 2011

Race Day

Dan and I checked 2 mile race off my "Bucket List" this morning.  (Just for clarification, Dan has done some 5K races growing up, but I have never run a race before).  So this hot Saturday morning of June 4th, 2011 we dropped the kids off at a friend's house and we drove over to the race site.  We barely snuck in in time to get our race shirts.   In all honesty, I really only wanted the shirt!  It would be proof that I ran...or at least was in the race even if I did not run the whole time! :)   When we got our shirts...I was utterly disappointed.  I almost quit before I started.  They are the ugliest shirt I have ever seen!  Seriously, who wants a dirty off white colored shirt?!

OK, so shirt experience aside, here's the race low down.  Dan ran the WHOLE thing!  And, if you have never been to Mt Horeb it is not called "Mount" Horeb for nothing!  There were some good hills along the way!  Oh, and good, meaning torturous!  As  for me, I ran the first mile without stopping (aside from 2 brief shoelace hindrances), and about 1/2 of the second half.  I was good with this.  I have never before run a whole mile consecutively...not even in the elementary gym class forced mile run. 

Going into the morning, Dan had the realistic goal of finishing under 20 minutes. (Internal, unrealistic goal of under 18)  His time was 19:10.  Great job for no prep work!  I did not have a time goal (I just wanted the shirt!) but I finished somewhere between 25:00 and 26:02...I forgot to look.

All in all it was a fun morning.  I'm glad I "ran" the Norsk Run.  Would I do it again??? ...We'll see.  Would Dan do it again?  Yeah.

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