Monday, May 16, 2011

For the Love of Flowers

I have been in awe of flowers this spring.  The intensity of my admiration for the beauties grows each year.  I have a hunch that it is due to the significance of warmth that is approaching and snowy days are of the past but none the less, I am appreciating flowers greatly.  I also am enjoying experimenting with my camera.  I know I am by no means a great photographer, but hey...I enjoy the hobby none the less.
God has given me some beautiful subjects this spring to capture with a lens as well as a bit of added creativity by me.  My favorite photo of the evening is this one...

The white in the middle is the moon.
And just to entertain myself, here are a few of the runner ups from this evening's photo shoot outside.

Apparently I was taking a while with my picture-taking. I had been playing with the lighting and the flash and the angles etc.   So, when I was just taking some of our front porch (with the thought of my last blog-sitting on the porch enjoying company) Dan peeked out to see if I was out there.    So here he is too. :)
How great it is that God creates such beautiful scenery for us to enjoy.  I hope I can continue to recognize and capture the little miracles; like flowers. 

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