Wednesday, December 14, 2011


It feels like I am often preparing for something.  I prepare for traveling and trips, I prepare lunch for the boys for school, I prepare for the holidays buy purchasing gifts, and most recently, I have been preparing our house to sell. 

I looked up the word prepare and according to wikipedia it means "to make (something) ready for use or consideration." 

OK, so where am I going with this?  The first thing that comes to mind is how I am being prepared.  I was created for a purpose and God knows me more intricately than I even know myself.  Therefore, He knows what it takes to prepare me for my goal.  And, God is making me ready for use in future situations by allowing me to experience current situations (both what I consider good and bad).

There are times where I wonder why I have to go through such a difficult trial, and there are times that I do not realize God has been working on me because He's so gentle, but in either case, He's using me and molding me into a better vessel for Him.  For that, I am thankful.

I want to be flexible to his preparations and not get so stuck in my desires and ways that I miss part of the bigger picture.  I want to be open to where and what I feel He is calling me to do.

So, my goal: open ears, a heart for serving and loving and an ever increasing desire to prepare for His coming. 

Lord, use me and prepare me how You see fit.

An Arizona cross, in my eyes.

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